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Research Paper: Traumatic Brain Injury in Children

In my Child Language Disorders class, I wrote a final research paper on a disability. I wrote my final research paper on how the parameters of language are affected by early childhood traumatic brain injuries, and how this impacts therapy for speech-language pathologists when providing therapy for these clients. My goal for this research project was to incorporate a variety of recent research into this paper in order to have a paper in which all of the parameters of language were represented accurately. Although this paper was for a class, it was useful to see how I can increase my knowledge on certain subjects and relay them to others as a professional in my field. Research on speech, language, hearing, and rehabilitation is always changing in my field, so it is important to keep studying in order to keep knowledge on these subjects up to date in order to provide competent and quality care for my clients.

I used a variety of resources and research on the topic. I used my knowledge of ethical research to refine my sources to be the most recent, and I paid close attention to citing my sources so that my research was ethical and that I gave proper credit to past research. Although it was tedious work, I put time into correctly citing my sources on my reference page as well as in in-text citations in my paper itself. I used as many sources as I could fit into my paper so that I could accurately represent each parameter of language with the most recent and valid research. Despite using a variety of sources, I made sure to use my own voice in my paper so as to not use someone else’s voice in order to portray my message.

Although this research paper was on the implications of a traumatic brain injury in childhood upon language, I learned a lot about how useful research is throughout the span of a career. I learned about how to incorporate a variety of thoughts and ideas into a cohesive paper that would support my topic. This process was useful in learning how to synthesize ideas ethically in order to learn about my field, compile research on a topic, and inform others on what I learned from others.

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